You Listen, We Relax

Østervænget’s Radio Shop

At Nyvang’s radio shop, Østervænget’s Radioforretning, you can see radios from the period 1940-1950, as well as some from the 1920s and 1930s.

The store showcases radios, gramophones, TVs, tape and wire recorders, and other equipment that reflects the sound and information culture of the time. Many of the radios are functional, and the price tags show both the prices from that era and how the devices were used. You can also listen to music from the time. In the workshop, radios are repaired using period-appropriate testing equipment.

The Radio – The Family’s Favorite Device

After the launch of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (Statsradiofonien) in 1925, radios began to make their way into Danish homes, leading to prosperous times for many small radio factories in Denmark. In the 1940s, the radio became an essential gathering point for the public, providing news about the war and the popular music of the era. The radio was so beloved that, despite the introduction of more electrical household appliances in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, Danish families primarily chose to invest in a radio.


You Listen, We Relax

Østervænget’s Radio Shop

At Nyvang’s radio shop, Østervænget’s Radioforretning, you can see radios from the period 1940-1950, as well as some from the 1920s and 1930s.

The store showcases radios, gramophones, TVs, tape and wire recorders, and other equipment that reflects the sound and information culture of the time. Many of the radios are functional, and the price tags show both the prices from that era and how the devices were used. You can also listen to music from the time. In the workshop, radios are repaired using period-appropriate testing equipment.

The Radio – The Family’s Favorite Device

After the launch of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (Statsradiofonien) in 1925, radios began to make their way into Danish homes, leading to prosperous times for many small radio factories in Denmark. In the 1940s, the radio became an essential gathering point for the public, providing news about the war and the popular music of the era. The radio was so beloved that, despite the introduction of more electrical household appliances in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, Danish families primarily chose to invest in a radio.


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Practical information

Opening Hours 2025

Easter at Nyvang: April 14th, 15th, and 16th
After the 16th, closed until the first opening day on April 24th (also closed during the public holidays of Easter).

Early Season: April 24th – June 30th
Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Closed on Monday and Friday.

High Season: July 1st – August 3rd
Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Closed on Friday.

Late Season: August 4th – October 19th
Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Closed on Monday and Friday.

Autumn Break: October 11th – 19th
Open every day during week 42 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Christmas at Nyvang:
November 22nd – 23rd, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
November 26th – 27th, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
November 29th – 30th, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

You can view the season's prices and buy admission tickets here.

You can find your way by clicking on our address:

Oplevelsescenter Nyvang
Nyvangs Allé 4
4300 Holbæk

Oplevelsescenter Nyvang is located outside Holbæk, close to the highway.

We have a large parking lot right by the entrance, so there is always space for your car.

We also offer parking for buses as well as handicap parking.


We have several accessible parking spaces close to the Welcome Center.

It is easy to get around the area with a wheelchair or walker, and many of the buildings are accessible. However, there are some places where creating a wheelchair-friendly entrance was not possible. Please feel free to contact the office for any questions or guidance.

We have a limited number of wheelchairs available for loan with prior reservation.

It is also possible to take a tour around Nyvang with our golf cart. For more information, contact our administration at +45 5943 4030 or

You can enjoy delicious Danish dishes at our eatery, Traktørsted Madam Blaa.

You are also very welcome to bring your own food and enjoy it at one of the rest areas in the grounds.

If it rains and there are no other activities taking place in the community hall, it is also possible to eat your packed lunch there. (New activities are constantly being added, so it is not possible to reserve a spot in the community hall in advance for eating packed lunches.)

In rainy weather, smaller groups can find shelter for eating their packed lunches in the houses at the Activity Area.

You are very welcome to bring your dog to the area, but it must be kept on a leash.

Dogs are not allowed inside our buildings (service dogs are exempt).

Here you can view the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's smiley reports for our shops and eateries:

Be aware the smiley reports are only available in Danish.

About Nyvang


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